As we’ve seen time and time again, at least in Texas, state government is in the best position to regulate the energy industry in areas such as hydraulic fracing. Texas has done a good job of using its laws and its court system to deal with the issue in a reasonable and sensible way, promoting the oil and gas industry for economic growth and energy independence while also making sure Texans, their property rights and their environment are safe.
North Dakota Senator John Hoeven’s new bill is a welcome move in Washington for those of us working in oil and gas law. Senator Hoeven, who is on the Senate’s Energy and Natural Resources Committee, is calling it the Empower States Act. He told reporters in Bismarck, North Dakota that “(t)he legislation also recognizes that states have a long record of effectively regulating oil and gas development, including [fracing], with good environmental stewardship.” He went on to assert that “(w)ith the right policies, I believe we can get our country to energy independence in five to seven years.”
Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska immediately signed up to cosponsor the bill. “Senator Hoeven’s bill provides for local accountability, local knowledge, and local communication instead of a one-size-fits-all federal approach to regulation” Senator Murkowski said while she was in North Dakota for a two day tour of the technological advances used in the Bakken shale region. She said that it “makes sense” to let the states take the lead on regulations in oil and gas development.