During all of the budget talks in Washington, DC, I was interested to read a recent report entitled “CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery” by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce regarding how enhanced oil recovery (“EOR”) techniques could add significant revenue to the Texas and federal budget, as well as enhance our energy security and benefit the environment!
Enhanced oil recovery is a general term that refers to techniques for increasing the oil that can be extracted from a given oil field. The type of enhanced oil recovery technique discussed in this report is carbon dioxide recovery. It works by pumping carbon dioxide into the reservoir, and the gas improves the flow of the remaining oil. Once the oil-carbon dioxide mixture reaches the surface, the two are separated and the carbon dioxide is recycled back into the reservoir. The U.S. is already leading the world in this technique and it is providing nearly 6% of our onshore oil production.
The new report was written by the Chamber’s Institute for 21st Century Energy. The report notes that the U. S. Department of Energy estimates that enhanced oil recovery could produce 67 billion barrels of oil, which is three times the size of the U.S. current proven oil reserves. If the price is $85/bbl, $1.4 trillion in new government revenue would result directly from these procedures, in addition to billions in private investment.