
Texas Oil and Gas Attorney Blog


Texas Real Estate Documents Mean What They Say !! (Part Two)

As a Texas real estate attorney representing buyers, sellers, lenders, developers, and occasionally brokers, in Texas, I have sometimes been accused of sounding like a broken record in advising my clients. My oft-repeated mantra is: “Read the document thoroughly, and then read it again”. Even if the document is one…


Texas Real Estate and Development News: Co-Housing Comes to Texas

One of the things I love about being a Texas real estate and development lawyer is that Texans are so open to innovative real estate developments. Practicing real estate and development law in Texas is great fun and very satisfying for this reason. A recent real estate development in Texas…


Texas Homeowners Associations: How Healthy is Yours?

As a Texas attorney representing Texas homeowner and property owner associations in residential and commercial developments, I find that very often the greatest service I can perform for my clients is education. I ran across a recent article by Richard Thompson with Regenesis in Realty Times, entitled the “HOA Health…


Things That Give Texas Developers and Their Attorneys Grey Hair

I have represented developers and investors in Texas real estate developments for over thirty years. I have been blessed with clients who are fabulous people to work with, and Texas development law is always challenging and interesting. There is one thing that is guaranteed to make both my clients and…


Texas Supreme Court: Waiver of Arbitration Provision in Texas Construction Contract

As a Texas real estate lawyer representing developers, builders and investors in Texas, I have found that my clients benefit from the availability of “alternate dispute resolution” remedies in their contracts. These remedies, such as mediation and arbitration, can result in satisfactory outcomes to disputes, without the cost of extended…


Texas Rural Water Law: Fire Hydrant Controversy Continues

Texas rural water utilities and the attorneys representing Texas rural water companies are often faced with the challenge of making sense of the sometimes tangled layers of Texas statutes, Texas court decisions and the administrative rules of the Texas agency that regulates water utilities, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.…


Texas Rural Water Utilities Faced With New Law: “Paint It Black”!!

One of the challenges of serving as an attorney for rural water utilities in Texas is helping my clients navigate the increasing regulatory burden on Texas rural water utilities, an issue specifically addressed in a prior blog entitled Challenges Ahead for Texas Rural Water Companies in Texas. A recent law…


Texas Construction Lawyers Take Note: Attorneys Fees Recoverable for Breach of Warranty

As a Texas attorney representing both builders and construction companies in Texas on one hand, and Texas consumers of construction services on the other, I have had occasion to litigate a number of cases in which construction defects were the central issue in the case. I learned long ago (because…