
Texas Oil and Gas Attorney Blog


Another Study Shows Job Creation Due to Oil and Gas Shale Wells in Texas and U S

Another independent study titled “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the US Economy,” released recently concluded that shale oil and gas drilling and development has helped create 1.75 million jobs in the last few years in the United States. The study also indicated that there…


New Fracing Study Verifies Fracing Safety for Texas Oil & Gas Producers

There is more evidence from yet another study, the “Hydraulic Fracturing Study“, published in October 2012, that concludes that hydraulic fracturing, or fracing, is safe and does not pollute either air or water or cause earthquakes. This study was prepared for Plains Exploration & Production Co., an independent oil and…


The Problem with Duplicate Fracing Regulations

American Petroleum Institute‘s Chief Economist John Felmy has warned policymakers that unnecessary duplicate regulations could obstruct the development of unconventional oil and gas plays in the US. He pointed out at a news conference in Washington, DC that these plays have already created jobs and helped improve economic conditions in…


Sanchez to Accelerate Oil & Gas Drilling in Eagle Ford Shale, Texas

Sanchez Energy Corporation, a fast growing independent oil and gas company based in Houston, Texas, announced recently that it will accelerate its 2012-2013 drilling in the Eagle Ford shale play. This shale play covers 11 million acres from the Mexican border in South Texas to East Texas near Louisiana and…