A recent case that was decided by the Texas Court of Appeals in San Antonio illustrates the problems when mineral owners sign a “standard” form for their oil and gas lease and why they should consider getting the opinion of an experienced Texas oil and gas attorney before they sign.…
Texas Oil and Gas Attorney Blog
Oil and Gas Benefits and Challenges for Texas
More Texas oil and gas companies are expanding. In January 2014 Brenham Oil and Gas Inc. announced the purchase of a 100% and 74% revenue interest in the 332 acre Inez field prospect. This prospect is located in Victoria County, Texas. Brenham plans to drill a well to regain the…
US Supreme Court Decision Important for Texas Land and Mineral Owners
The United States Supreme Court recently issued an opinion that effects many Texas property and mineral owners. Specifically, the Court decided the case of Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States in an 8 to 1 decision. The Court determined that certain rights-of-way for railroads revert to private property…
EPA Reconsiders 2013 Cellulosic Biofuel Quotas
In October 2013, the American Petroleum Institute and the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) submitted information to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asking the EPA to lower the 2013 cellulosic biofuel quota because oil refiners would be forced to buy millions of dollars in unnecessary “credits” for cellulosic biofuel…
Texas Oil & Gas Operator Fracing Without Fresh Water in Drought Area
Areas of Texas and the western states where much of the U.S. oil and gas potential is located have been hit by drought in recent years, causing worries about water supplies and the use of water in hydraulic fracturing. Fracing takes a lot of water! But Apache Corporation has created…
Oil and Gas Drilling Boom
As I’ve discussed before, oil and gas drilling and production benefits Texas mineral owners, but also has a positive impact on the economy as a whole, especially in energy producing states like Texas. There are countless examples in recent years verifying that impact. For example, recently the Manhattan Institute published…
Changing the Conversation about Well Fracing in Texas
In my law practice, I represent only Texas royalty owners, mineral owners and surface owners, and I do not ever represent oil companies. It is important for both my clients and I to have access to accurate facts, and not emotional arguments, when trying to make the best decisions for…
Tax Consequences of Bonus on Texas Oil & Gas Leases
A decision from the United States Tax Court in December 2013 has interesting implications for Texas oil and gas leases and Texas mineral owners. In Dudek v. Commissioner, the Tax Court examined the characterization of lease bonus and whether bonus is eligible for depletion allowance. The Dudek decision dealt with…
Expansion of Texas Oil and Gas Pipeline System
Plains All American Pipeline LP, based in Houston, Texas, is planning to expand its pipeline system in the Permian Basin over the next four years. Parts of that expansion will happen in Texas. These projects bring more money and jobs and exemplify how our oil and gas industry continues to…
Texas Supreme Court to Determine Royalties for Gas Recovered with CO2
The Texas Supreme Court will hear a new case involving royalties on natural gas. Those involved with oil and gas law in Texas will be paying attention, as the case will probably be important. The case is is Occidental Permian Ltd. v. Marcia Fuller French et al, and it is…