Articles Posted in Texas Supreme Court Updates


Texas Supreme Court Decision Impacts Texas Oil and Gas Pipeline Negotiations

I spend a significant amount of time as a Texas oil and gas attorney assisting landowners with negotiation of easements and rights-of-way for oil or gas pipelines. As my client and I work through the negotiation process, it is vital to understand the various options available to the pipeline company…


Texas Supreme Court: Waiver of Arbitration Provision in Texas Construction Contract

As a Texas real estate lawyer representing developers, builders and investors in Texas, I have found that my clients benefit from the availability of “alternate dispute resolution” remedies in their contracts. These remedies, such as mediation and arbitration, can result in satisfactory outcomes to disputes, without the cost of extended…


Texas Construction Lawyers Take Note: Attorneys Fees Recoverable for Breach of Warranty

As a Texas attorney representing both builders and construction companies in Texas on one hand, and Texas consumers of construction services on the other, I have had occasion to litigate a number of cases in which construction defects were the central issue in the case. I learned long ago (because…


New Law for Texas Contractors and Their Attorneys-Part Two

In a previous post, I discussed the implications for Texas contractors and insurance companies and their attorneys of the decision of the Texas Supreme Court in Lamar Homes, Inc. v. Mid-Continent Casualty Company. The Court’s decision had a second element that is notable, and will be helpful to attorneys who…


New Law for Texas Contractors and Their Attorneys

A decision by the Texas Supreme Court either delighted or horrified Texas attorneys, depending on whether they represented consumers of construction services, construction companies or insurance companies. In Lamar Homes, Inc. v. Mid-Continent Casualty Company, an opinion delivered on August 31, 2007 and which became final in December 2007, the…


Lesson for Texas Construction Lawyers: Workers from a Temp Agency Count as “Labor” Under the Texas Mechanic’s Lien Statutes

As I indicated in a previous post, a recent decision by the Texas Supreme Court contains an important lesson for Texas attorneys who represent Texas real estate owners, general contractors or subcontractors. Texas attorneys who practice construction law should be aware that, because of this decision, claims by a temporary…


Texas Supreme Court Update: Getting Construction Labor Contracts Nailed Down–A Lesson for Texas Construction and Contract Attorneys

A recent decision by the Texas Supreme Court contains some very specific lessons for attorneys who represent temporary labor services who supply workers for Texas construction projects. Temporary staffing agencies or temporary labor services have become a popular and often cost effective way for a property owner or contractor to…


Texas Real Estate Law Update: Texas Supreme Court Holds Property Owner Not Liable for Negligence of Independent Contractor

Texas real estate law generally provides that a property owner in Texas is not required to ensure that an independent contractor perform its work in a safe and non-negligent manner. In the recent case of Central Ready Mix Concrete Company, Inc. v. Luciano Islas, the Texas Supreme Court reaffirmed that…