
Articles Posted in Oil and Gas Law


An Analysis of the Latest Federal Debaucle Analyzed by a Texas Oil and Gas Lawyer

As a Texas oil and gas attorney, I have spent 33 years observing the Texas Railroad Commission, the agency in Texas that regulates oil and gas drilling, production and pipelines (among other things). In my experience, the Railroad Commission is tough and efficient. I have never seen them act as…


A Texas Oil and Gas Attorney Looks at Ethanol-Part One

When discussing the issues involved in national energy and environmental policy, the subject of alternative energy frequently comes up. As a Texas oil and gas attorney, I follow these discussions with great interest. The outcomes of our decisions about alternative energy sources will eventually effect anyone even tangentially connected with…


A Texas Oil and Gas Attorney Examines the Pros and Cons of Alternative Energy

Although I am primarily a Texas oil and gas attorney, I am interested in all energy sources, and I am especially interested in the ongoing national discussion about what are called alternative energy sources. One of the hottest topics in the world of energy is the discussion of alternatives to…