
Articles Posted in Oil and Gas Law


Texas Supreme Court Sheds Light on Duty of Owner of Oil and Gas Leasing Rights

It is incumbent upon a Texas oil and gas lawyer to keep abreast of all relevant decisions from appellate courts and the state’s highest court. Proper advocacy demands that attorneys understand changes in the law and be able to incorporate those changes in their legal representation. Lawyers must have an…


Additional Offshore Workplace Safety Regulations Proposed by DOI & BOEMRE

An experienced oil and gas lawyer understands how politics influences the rules and regulations placed upon those working in the energy industry. Unfortunately, that political influence means that decisions about how the industry is regulated are often not guided by common sense, logic, and fair-minded decision-making. Instead, oil and gas…


The Oil and Gas Depletion Allowances and the Effect of Obama’s Proposed Cancellation of Percentage Depletion Allowance

Texas oil and gas attorneys are watching with trepidation as Obama seeks to cripple domestic mineral production with his ill-conceived policies. In our previous post, we discussed the Obama administration’s push to eliminate some of the tax subsidies that oil and gas producers in the United States currently enjoy. One…


Texas Oil and Gas Operator Obtains Deepwater Drilling Permit After Federal Drilling Moratorium – Part II

Texas oil and gas attorneys are watching the recent series of drilling moratoriums by the federal government with great interest. In a recent blog post, I discussed the legal background behind the first deepwater drilling moratorium and the litigation that followed.Because a federal judge ruled that the first deepwater drilling…


Texas Oil and Gas Operator Obtains Deepwater Drilling Permit After Federal Drilling Moratorium – Part I

As a Texas oil and gas attorney, I have followed with great interest the actions of the US Department of Interior (DOI) to finally lift the post-BP Oil Spill moratorium on deepwater drilling. It has been a long and legally complex road, but finally the DOI has taken the initial…


President’s Push for Removal of Oil Industry Tax Breaks Could Adversely Effect Small Domestic Oil Producers

As a Texas oil and gas attorney, I am keenly interested in the political climate in which the oil and gas industry operates. Politics has a lot to do with how much oil and gas this country produces. For example, in the White House’s proposed Budget for the Department of…