
Articles Posted in Oil and Gas Law


Oil & Gas Companies Spend More on Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Than Government and Private Industries

There are a number of misguided environmental “activists” who characterize efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as some kind of a “David vs. Goliath” struggle between forward-thinking environmentalists who love the planet, on one hand, and greedy energy companies who want to plunder the planet, on the other. While this…


IHS CERA Study Finds That EPA Grossly Overestimates the Amount of Methane Emissions from Shale Gas Wells

The EPA has once again overestimated the amount of pollution that comes from an oil and gas source — with potentially grave consequences for the industry. This time, the EPA has overestimated the amount of methane gas that comes from shale gas wells. A new report from the IHS Cambridge…


Oil and Gas Pipeline Easements and Texas’ New Eminent Domain Law

There is a new arrow in the quiver of Texas September 1, 2011. Oil and gas companies can still acquire easements across private property to build pipelines. If the pipeline is a private pipeline, the pipeline company must obtain the voluntary agreement of the property owner. If the pipeline is…


Texas Comptroller Targets Systemic Flaws of Federal Regulations

As a Texas oil and gas attorney, I have followed with great interest the tumultuous relationship that seems to perpetually exist between Texas and its landowners on one hand, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the other. Unfortunately, some misguided policymakers are under the mistaken notion that…


Texas Supreme Court Decision Impacts Texas Oil and Gas Pipeline Negotiations

I spend a significant amount of time as a Texas oil and gas attorney assisting landowners with negotiation of easements and rights-of-way for oil or gas pipelines. As my client and I work through the negotiation process, it is vital to understand the various options available to the pipeline company…