Not all Texas folks consult an attorney to prepare a will or to review an oil and gas lease or a pipeline easement they have been offered. Maybe they think lawyers are expensive and only for the wealthy or maybe they don’t want to take the time. Fortunately, there are…
Articles Posted in Oil and Gas Law
Texas Mineral Owners: Don’t Sign a “Standard” Oil & Gas Lease Form for Oil and Gas Leases
A recent case that was decided by the Texas Court of Appeals in San Antonio illustrates the problems when mineral owners sign a “standard” form for their oil and gas lease and why they should consider getting the opinion of an experienced Texas oil and gas attorney before they sign.…
EPA Reconsiders 2013 Cellulosic Biofuel Quotas
In October 2013, the American Petroleum Institute and the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) submitted information to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asking the EPA to lower the 2013 cellulosic biofuel quota because oil refiners would be forced to buy millions of dollars in unnecessary “credits” for cellulosic biofuel…
Tax Consequences of Bonus on Texas Oil & Gas Leases
A decision from the United States Tax Court in December 2013 has interesting implications for Texas oil and gas leases and Texas mineral owners. In Dudek v. Commissioner, the Tax Court examined the characterization of lease bonus and whether bonus is eligible for depletion allowance. The Dudek decision dealt with…
Texas Supreme Court to Determine Royalties for Gas Recovered with CO2
The Texas Supreme Court will hear a new case involving royalties on natural gas. Those involved with oil and gas law in Texas will be paying attention, as the case will probably be important. The case is is Occidental Permian Ltd. v. Marcia Fuller French et al, and it is…
Ruling Could Prove Important for New Texas Pipelines
A case is winding its way through the courts could be especially important in light of the large number of new oil and gas pipelines being constructed in Texas today. The case was heard by theTexas Court of Appeals in Tyler last year and is currently being heard by the…
Is Deep Subsurface Waste Water Migration a Trespass in Texas?
The Texas Court of Appeals in Beaumont, Texas recently decided a very interesting the case that has huge implications for Texas land and mineral owners: Environmental Processing Systems LC v. FPL Farming Ltd. The Texas Supreme Court recently heard oral argument on this case. The Facts As many Texas mineral…
Texas Supreme Court to Address Use of Surface by Mineral Interest Owner
The Houston Court of Appeals in Texas recently addressed the issue of surface owners rights in the case of Key Operating & Equipment Inc. v. Will and Loree Hegar. The case involves the use of the surface of the Plaintiffs’ land by an oil and gas operator. In Texas, the…
Fracing Bans Challenge Independent Oil & Gas Producers
Faced with a rising tide of sweeping municipal legislation banning hydrocarbon extraction, mineral owners and oil and gas operators are taking the fight to court. The Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico, along with an individual landowner and two limited liability corporations, are suing Mora County, New Mexico, alleging that…
Texas Oil and Gas Lease Decision from the Texas Court of Appeals
An interesting case involving a Texas oil and gas lease was decided recently by the Texas Court of Appeals in El Paso. The case was Community Bank of Raymore v. Chesapeake Exploration LLC and Anadarko Petroleum Corporation. The issue was whether the lessee’s right to extract minerals found deeper than…